Two pages abstracts and full papers should be prepared exactly according to the instruction which can be downloaded from here.

The same template refers to both documents: extended abstracts and full length papers. The only difference is the document length:
the extended abstract must be 2 (two) pages long,
the full length paper should be 8 (eight) pages long.
Extended abstracts and full length papers should be delivered in the electronic version using MsWord or LaTeX file format as well as both in an identical Acrobat PDF file format.
Please, do not forget to fill and sign the Consent to Publish&Transfer of Copyright. It can be send as a scan of the signed document together with other files.
The ZIPfile with all files should be submitted as the attachment to the mail sent directly to the address: icms2016@uz.zgora.pl not later than at the end of August 2015.
